We are pleased to announce that the intervention study to verify the effectiveness of our real-time feedback system for functional exercises, homeSETT, has begun!
Study Background
The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of homeSETT in the context of medical training therapy. The application was specifically developed for self-training of patients after hip replacement. More information about the real-time feedback system homeSETT can be found in this blog post. The goal of homeSETT is to support patients in their rehabilitation after a hip replacement. The functional exercises performed as part of medical training therapy focus on activating and strengthening the muscles of the lower extremity, particularly the hip muscles.

Study Implementation
The intervention study is being conducted in collaboration with our clinical partner, the Orthopedic Hospital Speising, which is responsible for recruiting the patients. Participants are divided into training groups of 2-5 people depending on the date of surgery. These groups are randomly assigned to intervention and control groups. All groups receive an eight-week medical training therapy led by physiotherapists at the FH Campus Wien.
- Intervention groups receive the real-time feedback system homeSETT for home self-training. With homeSETT, the daily home exercise program is guided and visual feedback is provided during the exercises.
- Control groups receive the home exercise program in paper form (instructions and illustrations) to take home.
Before the start of medical training therapy, all participants undergo an initial assessment, which includes questionnaires about their general life situation, knee and hip joint situation, and pain situation. In addition, a 3D motion analysis of everyday movements is conducted. These measurements are repeated at the end of the eight-week training therapy and compared with the baseline data. It will be examined whether the improvements are greater in the intervention groups than in the control groups. After 12 weeks, a follow-up measurement is conducted to check if the positive effects are long-lasting.
We look forward to many motivated training groups and successfully conducted measurements.