During the 17th annual dHealth Conference held in the Apothekertrakt of Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna on May 17, 2023, we had the opportunity to present our initial findings from the SETT project.

In the session titled “IT along the Patient Pathway,” Lukas presented the first results from user surveys on the visualization of exercise feedbacks, conducted during a workshop at the Orthopedic Hospital Speising on June 22, 2022. The presentation, “Real-time Digital Feedback for Exercise Therapy of Lower Extremity Functional Deficits: a Mixed Methods Study of User Requirements,” highlighted key findings related to the color, shape, and comprehensibility of feedback visualizations. The study led to the following conclusions:
- For comprehensibility, the visualizations need clear midlines and additional information, such as anatomical references, to provide orientation.
- Regarding shape, participants preferred reduced, abstract feedback visualizations.
- In terms of the color scheme, feedback visualizations incorporating colors following a traffic light system were positively received, emphasizing the importance of a uniform color representation.
More details about this study can be found in the accompanying peer-reviewed publication and a previous blog post. The 2023 dHealth conference covered a wide range of topics from sustainability, prevention, and health promotion, combined with digitalization, to the use of AI-supported technologies in daily hospital operations. We were delighted to be part of this exciting and forward-looking conference and would like to thank the dHealth committee for their excellent organization.
Your SETT Team!