Smart real-time feedback-assisted training therapy
Successful Updates on the Studies
Successful Updates on the Studies

Successful Updates on the Studies

We are thrilled to announce that we have completed data collection for the study “Evaluation of Real-time Feedback for Functional Exercises.” During the study, doctors, patients, and physiotherapists had the opportunity to test various feedback modules at the “Gait Real-Time Analysis Interactive Lab (GRAIL).” Participants were encouraged to freely experiment with the feedback modules and vocalize their thoughts using the Think-Aloud Method. The results are currently being analyzed and will soon be published in a professional journal.

Data collection for the reference database is well underway, and we have successfully recruited 25 participants for this segment of the project. The activities being analyzed include level walking, ramp walking, stair climbing, Timed-Up and Go, Sit to Stand, Stand to Sit, Squat Lifting, Squat, Squat Lunge, Lunge, Step-Up, Step-Down, and Pelvic-Drop. The outcomes of this reference data will be crucial in accurately configuring the feedback modules of the prototype in the next phase.

Your SETT Team!